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Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

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Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Here i m trying to dig all ableman in sg out!

Wah, you are not from Land Transport Authority (LTA) right? :p
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

By de way BS, if i spend so much on a 330! y dun i get myself a m3?

I target s to burn m3 wif cheaper $......

& outlook of my ride doesn't bother me! tks!!

Look out for me at de next meetup!!! :whipper:
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Nope... dun worry!!

I hate those bast--d!!

I heard tat those civil serv--t cant afford to play then they turn to target others!!!

Again they r real BAST--D bro!!! :furious:
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Here's your trumpet, you can blow it loud loud at the next meetup.

Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Not true la, some of the most HUMBLE civil servants also drive bimmers ya know...

Good luck in your pursue for burning M3's. Remember to look for Barry or wilson if you need serious upgrades.


Nope... dun worry!!

I hate those bast--d!!

I heard tat those civil serv--t cant afford to play then they turn to target others!!!

Again they r real BAST--D bro!!! :furious:
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Burning M3? Then I have just the right thing for you?
Technik ASA Supercharger SK2 kit for sale. Used for less than a year.
Produces 300bhp on the 2.5L engine on ST Powered's rather conservative dyno. Not enough to eat M3 but on a 3L, there is a chance.
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Hi rex7! I ve no limit for my passion ! But just make sure de mods r worth my

penny! I ve a good way to try all! By buying 2nd hand goods from owners!!!

Bro, still don't get you leh...

1.) You want power mods only.
2.) You have no limit (or budget I would say) for your passion.
3.) You don't want to spend so much that would cost more than an M3?

So how much exactly are you willing to spend? I'm very sure Wilson and myself can basically give your ride an increase in power from 1 bhp to perhaps 400bhp?
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

rex7_vtec said:
Bro, still don't get you leh...

1.) You want power mods only.
2.) You have no limit (or budget I would say) for your passion.
3.) You don't want to spend so much that would cost more than an M3?

So how much exactly are you willing to spend? I'm very sure Wilson and myself can basically give your ride an increase in power from 1 bhp to perhaps 400bhp?

Ya man!! Me too!! Dam blur.....

'No limit/budget for passion(modding)' but only want used parts......

Used parts means got budget constraint rite??


Every power mods have it's pricing.... can be fuel magnets to.......

$$ range from $100 to $60k, it's so easy to say no limit but dun even have a rough figure to start with....

Maybe U can ask.... for $1000, wat power mods can I get......

Dun worri bro, I'll follow U w/o braking!! Please join us in the coming BMW.SG track day at Sepang!! We'll have lots of fun!! kekeke

'The Great White'
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

By de way BS, if i spend so much on a 330! y dun i get myself a m3?

I target s to burn m3 wif cheaper $......


Once you think your ride is ready to burn an M3, let me know...
I'll try to arrange for you and my friend to meet up in Sepang and see who actually gets really burned.:singsing:
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Wow. Exciting. I'm staying tuned to see how this 330 goes...
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

wilman2772 said:
Ya man!! Me too!! Dam blur.....

'No limit/budget for passion(modding)' but only want used parts......

Used parts means got budget constraint rite??


Every power mods have it's pricing.... can be fuel magnets to.......

$$ range from $100 to $60k, it's so easy to say no limit but dun even have a rough figure to start with....

Maybe U can ask.... for $1000, wat power mods can I get......

Dun worri bro, I'll follow U w/o braking!! Please join us in the coming BMW.SG track day at Sepang!! We'll have lots of fun!! kekeke

'The Great White'
*OT* I only want to mod my red plate to black plate, then I can chiet 330. And HI Karwell Cars!!! Long time no see..new nick already?? *end of OT*
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

jaskin said:
Here's your trumpet, you can blow it loud loud at the next meetup.


whahahahahah.... he blow loud loud oso no use.. we r oni interested in BUs. some times trumpet blow too loud can be irritating. OT end.
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Hymics said:
whahahahahah.... he blow loud loud oso no use.. we r oni interested in BUs. some times trumpet blow too loud can be irritating. OT end.
Hopefully he doesn't blow his trumpet out of tune. I heard Yamaha gives very good trumpet blowing lessons.
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Hymics said:
whahahahahah.... he blow loud loud oso no use.. we r oni interested in BUs. some times trumpet blow too loud can be irritating. OT end.
the way the trumpet is being blown, better poon-ti-tah, can poon to ru hua. *end of ot*
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Hi Tanzy

read in European Car Mag that the ASA SK1 S/C tuned to run at 6.5psi....has recorded 350hp and 320lb of torque. That is north of a stock M3.
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

MYSTIC said:
Hi Tanzy

read in European Car Mag that the ASA SK1 S/C tuned to run at 6.5psi....has recorded 350hp and 320lb of torque. That is north of a stock M3.
I believe that could be possible,

1.) Really good air temperature
2.) Proper EMS (tuned by a good tuner)
3.) Headers, exhaust systems (the full works)
4.) Fuel maybe
5.) Camshafts
6.) Oversized pistons

This would be one helluva car to ride in!!!
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

Hymics said:
whahahahahah.... he blow loud loud oso no use.. we r oni interested in BUs. some times trumpet blow too loud can be irritating. OT end.

*** OT****

sorri... cannot resists la...

wah lian eh.... i dun know wether to laugh at the trumpet joke or to cry for the guy whose going blow the damn trumpet after ur gorgeous avatar's lang loi has finished licking it with her big fat delicious lips n long thick tongue....:lol2:

*** end OT****
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

pg7170 said:
*** OT****

after ur gorgeous avatar's lang loi has finished licking it with her big fat delicious lips n long thick tongue....:lol2:

*** end OT****

MUAH MUAH... .. .. ..
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

MW, I stil remember how u chiet my 3.2 litre boxster when u juz installed yr T*C; but be careful hor, yr lightweight getz only good til abt 190 km/h hor........beyond dat i took over;

Dennis, dont wori abt it, u wil win him beyond 230 km/h.
Re: Dennislmh: Fl 330ci Coupe Looking 4 Upgrades!!!

rex7_vtec said:
I believe that could be possible,

1.) Really good air temperature
2.) Proper EMS (tuned by a good tuner)
3.) Headers, exhaust systems (the full works)
4.) Fuel maybe
5.) Camshafts
6.) Oversized pistons

This would be one helluva car to ride in!!!

Well said...
For cars in tropical countries like ours, we lost big time in the No.1 point
Need a very efficient flow of intercooler to reduce the intake tempt else, not much of a gain.
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