cost of replacing rear arm bushings at PML


Well-Known Member
Hi guys just moved to HK, now my E46 developed a clacking noise, diagnosed ot rear arm bushings .THe PML sister company in HK want to chage hte whole control ARM!! and quote almost S$1.1K!!. I told them only bushing needs to be changed they didnt agree. THey did however agree that hte arms are fine.

Did anyone change busihing at PML recently and how much it cost. THanks I am not familiar with the HK scene yet so I cold use refernce from Singapore.
Re: cost of replacing rear arm bushings at PML

Just being curious here, how old is your E46?

There was a batch of prefacelifted E46 which came with old control arms (the ones without the "holes" in them) and there was a design fault inherent with them which caused bushings to fail faster.

Other than that bushings cost about 300-400+ SGD max inclusive of installation in Singapore.
Re: cost of replacing rear arm bushings at PML

Ryan: it is a June 2002 model. I complained about this noise to BMW but they ignored it for long. I will check the lower arms for the type. Thanks for the quick input, I feel more confident to discuss with BMW here.


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