Comfortable and quiet tires?


Well-Known Member
I see that most of the thread here tend to be more of preformance based type of tires, PS2 CSC2 etc..
Can anyone recommand any model of tires which is quiet and comfortable? Tires mainly used for leisure cruising and barely any hard driving done on it. Tires are meant for my dad's car.. His current set of Pirelli is damn noisy, sounds like an aeroplane when travelling.
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

try the bridgestone turenza ER80, I thave them on my rides, nice quiet and comfortable but absolutely no performance quality. For sedate drives like me....... :)
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

Or the Yokohama Aspec db. Super quiet but no super grip at all.
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

xuexun said:
I see that most of the thread here tend to be more of preformance based type of tires, PS2 CSC2 etc..
Can anyone recommand any model of tires which is quiet and comfortable? Tires mainly used for leisure cruising and barely any hard driving done on it. Tires are meant for my dad's car.. His current set of Pirelli is damn noisy, sounds like an aeroplane when travelling.

Try Bridgestone Potenza RE040...quiet, comfortable and grip not bad at all.

FYG, quiet tires generally have small blocks of thread design. So if u look at Yokohama Aspec db, Potenza RE040....those hv such characteristics. However, stay away from Aspec db. My bare feet can grip better:lol2:
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

TripleM said:
Try Bridgestone Potenza RE040...quiet, comfortable and grip not bad at all.

FYG, quiet tires generally have small blocks of thread design. So if u look at Yokohama Aspec db, Potenza RE040....those hv such characteristics. However, stay away from Aspec db. My bare feet can grip better:lol2:
Is your name Fred Flinstone by any chance?
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

TripleM said:
Try Bridgestone Potenza RE040...quiet, comfortable and grip not bad at all.

FYG, quiet tires generally have small blocks of thread design. So if u look at Yokohama Aspec db, Potenza RE040....those hv such characteristics. However, stay away from Aspec db. My bare feet can grip better:lol2:

Wah liao, aspec dB is a real sh!t. 40km/h on wet road = 0 emergency braking. That was the tire that my friend uses for drift races and donuts.
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

Hi, you can try michellin pilot preceda.

Its only a slight notch noisier than Aspec DB, and i do mean very slight :)

Preceda grips much better as well, and the sidewalls are softer than aspec db, which makes for an even more comfortable ride.

Aspec db are very bad tires, cuz there are quiet tires out there that grips better, eg. bridgestone GR-80. It will cause your abs to kick in even when E-braking at 30km/h
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?


My 02 cents opinion, I used to choose tires based in this order quiet and ride comfort.

After various skidding incidents..I have decided to put GRIP as my priority.

Therefore tires with better grip will cost a little more. Quiet, comfortable and fuel efficient tires will sacrifice safety.

Get the balance right and you will be able to achieve on a set of good tires.

Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

I think is better to go for the CSC2. as for PS2 abit too hard on ride.
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

Skidding incidents?? hmm... i never experience much skidding before even on stock tires.. Think the ABS kicks in most of the time when i do E-brakes??

Well will definately look around to see what tires are the best balance. From what i see on the forum, CSC2 is quite expensive right
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

i am using michelin pilot sport preceda for a month is pretty quite and soft. i had continental premium contact before and i like it too.
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

You should be able to get CSC2 at around 380~400/pcs. I have them on 18".
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

My latest trial
Dunlop Sport MAXX
Pretty quiet n comfy for such flagship ultra high performance tires. Lateral and braking grips are very good.
And best of all, the price is cheap
One of the forumers here just fitted one set at 280 per piece for 225/40/18
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

Even better.......................
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

Yup.....I'm a happy driver once again.
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

Yokohama Db AVS-quiet enough and great performance in the wet. very different from aspect db. But ride is harder.
Re: Comfortable and quiet tires?

No Doublt... PIRILLI ROSO is the best...

Superb in handling and silent ...

What model are you driving ? I got some 19" Prilli new tires to clear..