Cat B COE at S$9001

Re: Cat B COE at S$9001

WAHHHHH..really dropped below the magic mark of 10k
Re: Cat B COE at S$9001

i.. am.. seriously... tempted...

the e90s at pml are 2nd batch?
Re: Cat B COE at S$9001

Face lift so fast mehhhhhh..........
Re: Cat B COE at S$9001

Anyone knows the new pricing of E90 320 basic without the loan factor ?
Re: Cat B COE at S$9001


bargain abit lah.. can get 127 or lower b4 rebate..

immediate coe somemore.. book now collect next week.. haha..

black320 said:
Was quoted 128.
127? Does it include loan rebate? Which branch did you go to?
Re: Cat B COE at S$9001

Hi Tomcat, did you had trade in any vehicle for the 320? Also are there any extra freebies, eg vcool?
Re: Cat B COE at S$9001

Hi I guess you really have to take everything into factor and not just price
ie if you have a car to trade in , what is the body price
In additional , how much loan you take also = more discount or freebies
And lastly do you opt in or out of the svc pakage (discount up to 2K I think)

Normal trade in car value (body only, PRAF and COE constant) 4K
PM offers 5.5K (so you save 1.5 K)
Car price 128K(Full svc package 3 years-worth 1.5K?)

vs car price 126K ( normal trade in 4K , PM offers 4K+ opt out servicing package )
Which is cheaper?
Scenerio 1 , you save 1.5+1.5 = 3K
Scenerio 2 , you save 2K

So I guess cheap price may not be that cheap afterall...
Re: Cat B COE at S$9001

tomcat said:
u were right 125.8 best offer liao ...without loan factor

Can you recomend your sales guy to me? thanks
Re: Cat B COE at S$9001

Don't know about you guys, but when I bargained with PML, I start off by not bringing trade-in car, insurance and loans into the negotiation. Just give me the lowest price with 3-yr servicing.

Then I cross compare against a couple of other SE's offers and once I think I am being offered the lowest, I will then squeeze for more by telling the SE what Audi or Merc is offering me so-and-so. From my experience, they will come down by another $1-2K more this way, when they realise that you are a "sure buy" case (only which brand I will end up buying).

Sometimes it helps by not reverting and keeping 'radio silence' for days. SE will normally call you back. Then you play release and reel-in ... telling them that you are in close negotiation for the Merc or Audi you have been eyeing. On top of telling you all sorts that the Merc is crap, they will also usually come back with a better deal for you to re-consider. SE may also tell you that he has spoken to his boss and is willing to give you a better price.

Next bring in the loan factor, insurance rebate and trade-in car (this one has more play than you think) one at a time. SE gets a cut from each of these that you take 'in-house', and argue that you know about it. They will usually relent. Now they become even more certain that you will buy their BMW.

Finally, when I continue to play the Merc game, this particular SE even offered to take a cut from his own commission to match the competition. Its a matter of how hard up he/she wants to sell the car to you. Some are willing to part with $1-2K of their own commission ... especially near year-end to achieve their individual sales quota. This is based on my own personal experience.

All in, I was able to drive down the price of the 523i from original $172K to $167K initial offer with 3-yr servicing, then all the way down to $162K. Divide and conquer.

End-Jan 2006 delivery 523i.
Latest E-60 specs, c/w push button start/stop.

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