duckduck said:
I dont think lowering the marque prices here will damage their brand, becoz all other car makers in Sg will lower their prices in tandem. If others lower n they keep their prices up, guess who will falter in the long run?
Also, with increased ERP rates, i think it is enough of a deterrence to make sure the demand for new cars remain constant or lower in the future. Plus I think the they will increase number of COEs. This is to let car enthusiasts own more cars, but still give them a choice of whether to travel into the ERP zone by car. There are many empty roads in Sg, so why restrict car ownership? Just dont drive into ERP zone lor.
firstly, ask yourself, is PML really concerned abt how toyotas and hyundais are priced in relation to BMWs? or are they more concerned with Merc, Audi, etc? and never ever underestimate the premium that a brand name places on a product... they will compete, but not necessarily on price. they may offer extras instead like the Alpha experience for 7 series owners. if it were just sales numbers that concerned them, they would be bringing in the 1 series wouldn't they? And MB would be pricing the A class closer to the nissan marches and peugeot 206s wouldn't u agree?
next, touch your heart... u really think the government gives a rat's ass about car enthusiasts? (pardon my candor)
i think u make a valid point with regards to the ERP rates. however, to hijack your words: there are many empty BUSES, TRAINS & TAXIS in Sg, so why ENCOURAGE car ownership? car ownership in singapore is viewed within the larger framework of our national transportation system & networks, its not a matter of filling up empty streets.... which don't exactly qualify as a problem either, just ask anyone who's been to bangkok. so my opinion is that they aren't likely to shower the car-loving enthusiasts with COEs just because our grateful smiles will warm their hearts and remind them of the joy and honour of being able to serve the community.
also, bear in mind the perils of a greater reliance on oil imports resulting from a larger car population, ask mr bush, either one...
moreover, i believe interests rates are rising quickly... save in taxes, but bleed through your loan.
lastly, lets not forget abt the environment. i know its very unfashionable to be a tree-hugger these days( i think the meaningful cause-du-jour is AIDS awareness now), but more cars equals more pollution. we did sign the Kyoto Treaty on greenhouse gas emissions right? so as the goverment, would u rather have your emission quotas filled by revenue generating factories or a bunch of "car enthusiasts"?
so get the car now if u want to, no point holding out for a 100k 318i. you only live once, just take the plunge.