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Car Insurance to recommend


Well-Known Member

My ride (E90 / 320) is almost due for the "cheng hoo seow" (government spending $$$) and would like to check with anyone who can recommend me a car insurance company.

My current ride is coming 3 yrs old and I have 50% NCD plus 5% (good behaviour driver). With my current insurance comapny, which I am loyal to them, and without having to claim them since day one. This comapny (XXX insurance company) is quoting me $1341.77. I think this is really too much :screwedu: :screwedu: for I had not claimed against the company or any transactions in claims before.

I am not asking for the sun or the moon, just the basics
- no IDEC / NTUC
- any car repair or BMW workshops
- not more than $400 access
- any workshop that has the same TLC for BMWs

If anyone can help me, please let me know or send me a reply or PM.

Any recommendation or referral please.


Re: Car Insurance to recommend

u have to accept the fact that could be ur cheapest renewal with the new rates now.
You got PM if you want other insurer.
Re: Car Insurance to recommend

I'm using Shirley of G&C General Insurance.

U can call her at: 9100 0500. Just say that u are being recommended by the old boys of BMW-SG. She did my insurance renewal and it was great.

Old Insurance: S$3100, 10% NCD, S$1500 excess.
New Insurance: S$2,900, 20% NCD, S$800 excess.

Re: Car Insurance to recommend

Azrielsc;430469 said:
I'm using Shirley of G&C General Insurance.

U can call her at: 9100 0500. Just say that u are being recommended by the old boys of BMW-SG. She did my insurance renewal and it was great.

Old Insurance: S$3100, 10% NCD, S$1500 excess.
New Insurance: S$2,900, 20% NCD, S$800 excess.

Thanks, will give her a call and see what she can do for me

Re: Car Insurance to recommend

spiderman;430439 said:

My ride (E90 / 320) is almost due for the "cheng hoo seow" (government spending $$$) and would like to check with anyone who can recommend me a car insurance company.

My current ride is coming 3 yrs old and I have 50% NCD plus 5% (good behaviour driver). With my current insurance comapny, which I am loyal to them, and without having to claim them since day one. This comapny (XXX insurance company) is quoting me $1341.77. I think this is really too much :screwedu: :screwedu: for I had not claimed against the company or any transactions in claims before.

I am not asking for the sun or the moon, just the basics
- no IDEC / NTUC
- any car repair or BMW workshops
- not more than $400 access
- any workshop that has the same TLC for BMWs

If anyone can help me, please let me know or send me a reply or PM.

Any recommendation or referral please.


My ride is E90/320 May 2006. I am insured with AXA arranged through a broker and they just sent me a renewal quote of $1,056.74 after 50% NCD. You can call my insurance broker, Daren at 90234863. Hope this helps. Cheers!
Re: Car Insurance to recommend

Thanks. It is interesting to note the price differences in the quotation with my situation, that is no claim since day 1, 50% plus 5%, more than 15 yrs driving experience, have never called AXA or make a credit or claim.

Will give him a call and see what other options I have.

Thanks again, much appreciated

Re: Car Insurance to recommend

Few other ways to make ur premium cheap.
Remove Named driver, buy up the excess, use authorised workshop quotes etc.
For single try get married - less 10% for some insurer.
Re: Car Insurance to recommend

Hi Spidley, PM me ur email I send u the quotes; a few quote for u consider;
one of them;
Tenet (ExcelDrive Prestige)
PML or Authorized Workshops
Protect your 50% NCD (on accident regardless who @fault)
Excess $600 (waive up to $1000 each for 1st & 2nd accident w Authorized workshop)

Don't think MSIG give u NCD protector & PML, btw wat is the excess?
Re: Car Insurance to recommend

im also looking for a cheaper insurance for my car any recommandation? currently using ntuc
Re: Car Insurance to recommend

tancsch ris;431233 said:
im also looking for a cheaper insurance for my car any recommandation? currently using ntuc

Pro-active broker.
Competitive Pricing.
Whole range of Companies - NTUC, AIG, MSIG, India etc...

Tell her Mr.Tow (BMW 3-Series) gai xiao.

Belinda (Meina)

Re: Car Insurance to recommend

Renewing my 4/08 E90 insurance with MSIG at $939.17. Any workshop. Discount @ 50% + 5%. You may want to try them,
Re: Car Insurance to recommend

Hi Guys,

For those who wishes to get car insurance, can try me also =)

I am working for an insurance broker which carries all the Insurers, so can compare and save on the premiums more effectively.


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