Like any other car one purchases, u want to ensure engine is sound, accident free, suspension is working fine, suspicious noise if any and so on...
Few things u can do to get better peace of mind
1) Ask for the car to be sent for Vicom check, go for the higher grade inspection if u can. Generally speaking, you will have to pay for this. That is fair.
2) The car service history. If done by PML, sure they hv every single record of service.
3) Has the car been tracked before (not that it's bad but just to know )
4) Ask the owner if he has used the Launch Control before (assuming SMG transmission) and how many times roughly. This aspect is quite important as everytime LC is used, it creates wear and tear to the car given the high stress level..
That's pretty much it...and of course, good luck
Few things u can do to get better peace of mind
1) Ask for the car to be sent for Vicom check, go for the higher grade inspection if u can. Generally speaking, you will have to pay for this. That is fair.
2) The car service history. If done by PML, sure they hv every single record of service.
3) Has the car been tracked before (not that it's bad but just to know )
4) Ask the owner if he has used the Launch Control before (assuming SMG transmission) and how many times roughly. This aspect is quite important as everytime LC is used, it creates wear and tear to the car given the high stress level..
That's pretty much it...and of course, good luck