BodyKit Experts Anyone?


Well-Known Member

No one seems to be able to answer my questions on the M kit.

So gotta ask..... any where else sell body kits in Singapore? Replica kit or Hamman kit?

Kind Souls Anyone?
Re: BodyKit Experts Anyone?

Liverpudlian said:

No one seems to be able to answer my questions on the M kit.

So gotta ask..... any where else sell body kits in Singapore? Replica kit or Hamman kit?

Kind Souls Anyone?

There is one shop in Kakit Bukit Ind Estate selling replica Hamman kit. What's e model of your ride?
Re: BodyKit Experts Anyone?

where is this place, i am keen on the Hamman kit for my E38.
Re: BodyKit Experts Anyone?

Hi ace,

Will be getting a e46 320 these few months so wanna find out more. You know the cost? Other than Hamman, what about the m kit? Cost of replica kit vs original? Any difference in quality?