Re: BMW Golf Bag
actually the bag is a OEm from some don't know what brand one. I saw it at a shop in KL going at 1/2 the price of PML. but comes without the BM logo lor.
JHLim said:Wonder if any brudders here have problems with the BMW golf pro bag.
Looks great but I think the hood is a pain to use. Firstly, after putting on the hood, very difficult to load in trunk. Have to take out hood to load and when reach golf drop off I have to put on the hood again...Next is very laychey to access to clubs with the hood on when you play...
Maybe the golf bag is designed for 7 series and X series owners only...keke.
What I have done is use another hood from another golf bag to improvise. Hopefully, organizer of PML golf tournament take note of this and feedback to designer..
actually the bag is a OEm from some don't know what brand one. I saw it at a shop in KL going at 1/2 the price of PML. but comes without the BM logo lor.