Re: BMW Driver Training - Thumbs Up!.
Its seems easier to tune the car than the human driver. Just throw money at the car and it can be tuned whichever way you wanted. But the driver?. This is where the training comes in. As in any sport, the training is important, in this case a professional instructor is most important. This you can hardly get it unless it is a private "body guard" type training or FBI/Police Academy drivers training. Singapore Police does serious driver training as well!.
Just look at the lap times of any track. I can tell you than a seasoned track attendee WILL get a 15 second advantage over a novice guy who drivers well but never been to a track. 15 Seconds, you know how far that is ?. Almost 2 corners, no joke. The novice can claw back about 10 seconds or more in about 3 days of training. Maybe more if he learns real quick and has great judgement and feel of the car.
Only slight problem I have with BMW training is you are using THEIR car not your car!. Thats different enough for you to try to familiarise yourself with your own car trying to execute the same manuervers over again to get some consistency. Once, you get within 0.5 seconds per lap of time, you are almost there. I am within 0.2 seconds per lap but took me 6 months to achieve it!. Stuff that you learned, you will never forget, one day it could save your life (and the lives of loved ones in your car)!.
Highly recommended!. Every driver who claims to drive well need humility put into him by Driver Training.
PS: I freaked out my instructor by going sideways on a corner thowing huge amount of dust but recovered properly without incident. It was like slow motion. Enjoyed it actually and I was more concerned that the car behind might be freaking out!.