Batman & Superman Jailed - Not Hoax


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This is not a Hoax as it is reported in CNA... Singapore's very own Batman Suparman is arrested !!!!

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Desktop URL = "Batman" jailed for multiple offences - Channel NewsAsia

Mobile URL = Batman Suparman jailed for multiple offences | TODAYonline

Short Article

"SINGAPORE: With a name like Batman, one would have thought the 23-year-old man would aspire to do good.

But on Monday, the man -- who is actually named Batman Suparman -- was jailed two years and nine months for multiple theft and housebreaking offences.

Batman admitted to six counts of theft, two counts related to house trespass, one for housebreaking and one for drug consumption between June and August this year.

The prosecution proceeded on three of the 10 charges.

The court heard that Batman broke into SGF Billards & Marketing Singapore at Depot Road in the wee hours of the morning in August, and stole S$200.

On other occasions, Batman stole the ATM cards of his elder brother Nurazman Suparman, and made withdrawals totalling S$850.

During sentencing, the court heard that Batman is a first offender and a young one at that.

For housebreaking, he could have been jailed between two and 14 years.

The maximum punishment for theft is three years in jail and a fine."
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Re: Batman & Superman Jailed - Not Hoax

parents gave him the wrong name.....

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