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ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

Diederik Demot;917967 said:
i wil give you 2200 if you wil send it to europe , belgium . greetings diederik

If its Euro2200, i'm sure seller will be interested. :)
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

unfortunately the shipping is painful
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

Diederik Demot;917967 said:
i wil give you 2200 if you wil send it to europe , belgium . greetings diederik
If you are asking others to take a risk by shipping overseas, you should be offering higher isn't it?
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

AsusEpoxy;918605 said:
If you are asking others to take a risk by shipping overseas, you should be offering higher isn't it?

Not necessary ... as long as through secured payment like a cleared bank transfer to seller's account.
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

Gunners;918724 said:
Not necessary ... as long as through secured payment like a cleared bank transfer to seller's account.

that is indeed the thing to do , and the price is not euro , srr but for 2000 euro you can have a new g power kit with the brand new asa supercharger with ecu tuning included ? so this price is without the cost for shipping very ok i think .
you can have even a brand new one without the oil cooler for 1600 euro .
G-Power supercharger system SK PLUS BASIC -Sporty Drive-

Fits on models: E46
M54 all models

Price excl. VAT: EUR 1,593.46
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

Diederik Demot;919060 said:
that is indeed the thing to do , and the price is not euro , srr but for 2000 euro you can have a new g power kit with the brand new asa supercharger with ecu tuning included ? so this price is without the cost for shipping very ok i think .
you can have even a brand new one without the oil cooler for 1600 euro .
G-Power supercharger system SK PLUS BASIC -Sporty Drive-

Fits on models: E46
M54 all models

Price excl. VAT: EUR 1,593.46

i hope he stil is selling this
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

a new g power kit wont sell for $2000 , cmon.

for local only.

Diederik Demot;919060 said:
that is indeed the thing to do , and the price is not euro , srr but for 2000 euro you can have a new g power kit with the brand new asa supercharger with ecu tuning included ? so this price is without the cost for shipping very ok i think .
you can have even a brand new one without the oil cooler for 1600 euro .
G-Power supercharger system SK PLUS BASIC -Sporty Drive-

Fits on models: E46
M54 all models

Price excl. VAT: EUR 1,593.46
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

Gunners;918724 said:
Not necessary ... as long as through secured payment like a cleared bank transfer to seller's account.

You mean asking for a $600 discount and putting seller through extra trouble/effort/time to package and mail the item is justified?
Not just that, we all know that there are many various small parts in the package. What if there is a dispute in the completeness of the package? Everything will dingdong here and there. Extra effort for both parties involved.

So shouldn't a better offer reflect this effort instead of a lesser offer?
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

True ... I guess it depends on how you view it ... :)
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

my charger is not skplus. skplus is the lowest end range. my is SK II with injectors and higher PSI pulley.

Diederik Demot;920033 said:
i hope he stil is selling this
Re: ASA SKII Supercharger for sale (E60, E46)

im also shocked that its selling for 1.5k euros, pls send me the link, im interested.

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