this topic struck a chore as I just had a surgery at mount e.
total bill is 23K for 3 day stay and surgery.
hospitalisation and surgery (H&S) policy is something every one must get!
and please get the most comprehensive one with rider to cover the deductible and co-insure portion.
when I got my policy couple years back, there is no As-Charged policy rider like today.
got the Healthshield gold and pink of health that covers the first $3000 of bill. in yesteryears this 3000 is sufficient to cover the deductible, but nowadays, deductible alone is already 3.5k.
over the past 3 years, had 5 surgery/cystoscopy done. total bill till date is ard 70K.
with insurance I paid in total like only @ 4-5K via mediasave and cash total ard 1-2k.
the key in H&S policy is that the most comprehensive plan will cover private hospital.
together with the as-charge rider purchased, in the event you have a health issue, go to a specialist and have it checked out, if surgery is required, private hospital normally can schedule you within the week.
do not opt for day surgery no matter what, once warded into the hospital, you will qualify to claim. so the hours issue is resolved. always inform your doctor/surgeon that you are claiming insurance and they will know exactly what to do/write for the insurance co.
as for claiming, its actually pretty simple, nowadays my agent wouldn't know Im warded till he see the approved claim.
you just need to
1)download and fill the forms
2)attached the discharge summary from the hospital (get this from the ware upon dischage, this is important)
3) attached the original bill given and paid at the hospital ( note: this bill is not a tax invoice)
4) mail to the insurance co.
for medisheld claim, this will suffice.
if you are claiming for the deductible and co-insurance portion,
you will need to submit to the insurance co the original TAX INVOICE from the hospital. (this will be mailed to you by the hospital, normally @ 1-2weeks after discharge.)