Anti-Trap Error Message


Well-Known Member
This error message keeps prompting every time when starting up. Rear windowns cannot go up or down all the way. How to fix please?
Re: Anti-Trap Error Message

titanic said:
This error message keeps prompting every time when starting up. Rear windowns cannot go up or down all the way. How to fix please?

Hmmm, sounds more serious than normal. When the message comes on, try holding the driver window control switch in the "up" position for about 10-12 seconds. This is suppose to reset the error message and anti trap sensors'

If it still don't work, go to PML, I think it's a software issue
Re: Anti-Trap Error Message

Here's a document from BMW about the E60's windows, not sure if it'll help, but worth a read.
Re: Anti-Trap Error Message

Thanks. The windows can still go up and down but I need to press, release, press, release until the windows are all the way up or down.
Re: Anti-Trap Error Message

You can do all sort of thing but that's not the permanent solution, what you are doing is just clearing the error message.
You are not alone, mine too. Had been to PML for donkey times but cannot solve the problem.

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