picked this review up from e60.net
Reading the table in columns from L to R:
tyre name | prices | dry road |wet road | loudness | roll resistance | wear | comment.
- lower is better
Of the comments:
"besonders empfehlenswert" - especially recommended
"empfehlenswert" - recommended
"bedingt empfehlenswert" - conditional recommendation
Re050 is first, Pzero Nero second, then Michellin PS2.
Reading the table in columns from L to R:
tyre name | prices | dry road |wet road | loudness | roll resistance | wear | comment.
- lower is better
Of the comments:
"besonders empfehlenswert" - especially recommended
"empfehlenswert" - recommended
"bedingt empfehlenswert" - conditional recommendation
Re050 is first, Pzero Nero second, then Michellin PS2.