Air Con Outlet on DashBoard in E90


New Member
Hi everyone,

As I am new to owning an E90 and my 320IA is only 3 weeks old, will the seniors here pls advise:

There is this air con outlet on the centre of the dashboard dat somehow let out air-con air, resulting in vapour forming on windsreen of car consistently. any one knows how to prevent the vapour fm forming? or is tis normal in E90?

Th\x for any input.

PorkyGal 929
Re: Air Con Outlet on DashBoard in E90

I guess u left the aircon on auto mode.

Just select the air to come out from the front instead of coming out from the top or all direction will solve the problem
Re: Air Con Outlet on DashBoard in E90

piggyboyz said:
I guess u left the aircon on auto mode.

Just select the air to come out from the front instead of coming out from the top or all direction will solve the problem

nope, alan, it doesn't work.. i tried all diff kind of directions.. the windscreen will still fog up..
Porky.. there is a button that can help to clear the fog.. its on the right side of the center console.. above the button that clear the rear windscreen..:)
Re: Air Con Outlet on DashBoard in E90

PorkyGal929 said:
Hi everyone,

As I am new to owning an E90 and my 320IA is only 3 weeks old, will the seniors here pls advise:

There is this air con outlet on the centre of the dashboard dat somehow let out air-con air, resulting in vapour forming on windsreen of car consistently. any one knows how to prevent the vapour fm forming? or is tis normal in E90?

Th\x for any input.

PorkyGal 929

Mine doesn't. I'm not sure its because my aircon is on manual mode and switching to "face-level" position. You can try and see if it helps.

Re: Air Con Outlet on DashBoard in E90

HI everyone,

thx for the replies; I agree wif babe that it does not work leh; i tried all directions, includ the 'face front' only but somehow it stil fog up. i have juz called my SE n he said will check for me wif the senior tech. Will revert if i solve tis prob.


Re: Air Con Outlet on DashBoard in E90

SFW said:
Mine doesn't. I'm not sure its because my aircon is on manual mode and switching to "face-level" position. You can try and see if it helps.

mine also cannot shut off. No matter what i try, air keeps coming out from the top vent. hmmmn ...maybe 320 different from yr 325

no choice..every morning drive w poor visibility...:(

porkygal - do let us know if u manage to solve.cheers
Re: Air Con Outlet on DashBoard in E90

longhorn said:
mine also cannot shut off. No matter what i try, air keeps coming out from the top vent. hmmmn ...maybe 320 different from yr 325

The only difference is the "hump" behind the vents. That should not solve the problem I think.
Re: Air Con Outlet on DashBoard in E90

This problem was asked before... there's a solution to problem, just shift the middle cool/warm air toggle in the middle console.

Solved the problem, cos the air gets too cold inside during cloudy and/or rainy days. Refer to this thread.

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