Air con not cold at passager side


Well-Known Member
About a week ago my air con not cold so went to top up the gas, yesterday found out that the passager side cold but driver side not cold. Like to check what is the possible problem.
Re: Air con not cold at passager side

Have the technician replace the water/heater valve. Is probably choked. Actually when your A/C leaks, it is one of the symptoms too. Make sure your A/C has been repaired first. Your evaporator coil might be leaking.
Re: Air con not cold at passager side

Oh sounds like there is quite a few stuff need to be replaced. Any idea how much it's going to cost?
Re: Air con not cold at passager side

i guess my air con is leaking now not cold at all liao. one of the technican told me cause alot of work and money to replace the coil
Re: Air con not cold at passager side

NickyPower said:
i guess my air con is leaking now not cold at all liao. one of the technican told me cause alot of work and money to replace the coil

I had done mine (E39) for S$900 for coil, valve, etc 2 wks ago. If yours is E46 should be cheaper cos for E39 need to take out the whole front dash and take 1.5 days for the job.
The workshop I used called

Moto-Aire Svc Ctr
BLk 7 Sin Ming Road #01-88

you can look for Ah Chuan @96604911

Good Luck
Re: Air con not cold at passager side

oh seem like i have to go thru the same things lke u do. I was told about have the car there almost 2 days cos havfe to take out the whole dash board also..... 'sigh' car go hospital again.....

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