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AC Schnitzer Type III Rims 18"


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
So what's next? Type IV?
Aiyoh bro... can shhhh... a bit or not...
Anyway, if cannot find suitable price for my old set wont "upgrade" lah - too ex.

Heard a 645ci owner bought at set of type IV racing rims (21 inches) - cost > $13,000!!

Man, that is cool spending.
SMYUEN said:
Heard a 645ci owner bought at set of type IV racing rims (21 inches) - cost > $13,000!! Man, that is cool spending.

Bro, the Type IV Racing is damn chio on a cabrio. Seen it in a recent Performance BMW mag.

Mai Tu Liao.

kenntona said:
SMYUEN said:
Heard a 645ci owner bought at set of type IV racing rims (21 inches) - cost > $13,000!! Man, that is cool spending.

Bro, the Type IV Racing is damn chio on a cabrio. Seen it in a recent Performance BMW mag.

Mai Tu Liao.
Damn. Orgasm.

:drool: :drool: :drool:
ryan said:

kenntona said:
SMYUEN said:
Heard a 645ci owner bought at set of type IV racing rims (21 inches) - cost > $13,000!! Man, that is cool spending.

Bro, the Type IV Racing is damn chio on a cabrio. Seen it in a recent Performance BMW mag.

Mai Tu Liao.

Excellent photoshop
That 645i u mentioned is likely to be my friend's who lives near my estate.
He spent like 20k+ on the AC stuff as part of the ACS launch couple of mths ago.

You are Mr. PhotoShop :thumbsup:
Wah....with friends like all of you around, I will go bankcrupt sooner or later.

Your friend has great taste. I hope he is doing up his 6er in the full AC kit!

Bro, I also no mai tu liao. But my pocket not so deep you know. I normal rims already must think think hard. Racing? Can... sell my ride, buy sedan then I will be able to afford. hahaha..

My dear site admin..what else can I say. You are the man!
wah... type IV looks real good huh. What about type IV on the "E90" look????


Was just telling Jack, I was at BVO and saw a fully kitted AC E39 with racing type IV rims! Thing is it was 18s!! (supposed to start from 19s for the type IVs)

SMYUEN said:
Was just telling Jack, I was at BVO and saw a fully kitted AC E39 with racing type IV rims! Thing is it was 18s!! (supposed to start from 19s for the type IVs)

That's the replica. Ask the Clan Master.
As a continuation to the post, I am now willing to let go at an irresistable price ( I Think...) but I would prefer a fellow BMW enthusiast benefit rather than let a dealer sell it for me and he gets the benefit.

So if anyone is really keen, just call me and we can try to work out a good price...

I still heartpain when I think about the time when I sold my old coupe to TTS..especially so when those who viewed my car refused to pay what I felt was a reasonable price. In the end.. TTS sold my car quicker than a blink and the smile on their face probably said volumes about the $$$ they made.. Sigh...

Hope someone will buy my rims if not its gonna be a trade-in with a dealer and he will be laughing to the bank...



Dont think I will ever save enought $$ for S/C lah bro... forget it lahh.. just stick with aesthetic mods loh...

Just selling the ACS III rims + tyres or would you require a trade?
Just selling.. no need trade..

Thanks, dude. Late now, so call tom to discuss. BTW, how much of tyre thread left, abd can I also presume condition of rims are good with minimal rash? Looks like I may have to think of a way to dispose of my 17" bmw alloys.
baracudax said:
Thanks, dude. Late now, so call tom to discuss. BTW, how much of tyre thread left, abd can I also presume condition of rims are good with minimal rash? Looks like I may have to think of a way to dispose of my 17" bmw alloys.

Hey bro.. no problems.. take your time..

Rims are actually in good condition, bar the occasional blemishes that Yew Lip can fix in a jiffy.. I will absorb the cost of touching up dont worry .
