AC Schnitzer 735i


Well-Known Member
saw this fully ACS kitted 7 series along Yio Chu Kang road... body kit, exhaust, boot spoiler, roof spoiler, logo etc... couldnt see the wheels as we were both moving... swee swee... think it is the only one here in town??? Sxx50x number plate...
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

martmode8850 said:
saw this fully ACS kitted 7 series along Yio Chu Kang road... body kit, exhaust, boot spoiler, roof spoiler, logo etc... couldnt see the wheels as we were both moving... swee swee... think it is the only one here in town??? Sxx50x number plate...
Of course thats not the only one, check out Hymics's ride. Even if the set-up is the same, I bet his will never come close to Hymics's flawless, see-to-believe paint work.
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

I've also seen a fully kitted black 7ser many times parked outside Hot Spa Roxy Square .
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

AC Boy said:
check out Hymics's ride

now where was i at all the meetups??? :)
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

rodders said:
fully kitted black 7ser

the one i saw was champaign colour...

guess i never knew there are so many kitted 7er around until now... :)
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

AC Boy said:
Of course thats not the only one, check out Hymics's ride. Even if the set-up is the same, I bet his will never come close to Hymics's flawless, see-to-believe paint work.

Thanks for the compliment nange!

There is already a dozen of 7 running on the road with full AC kit (including AC rims).. saw one few months back during our mthly meetup.. fully AC body kit with AC type 4 rims. Swee!

Few are with AC bodykit and Breyton rims running ard.....

The most awesome 7 i seen so far on the road is a full Hamann body kitted with 22" Hamann PG2.. sibey chio!

The only diff that most kitted 7 dun have compared to mine is i hv 760 Black out Grill and with black out headlamps and tail lights.. black out window trims too! hahahah.. Orhh Lu Lu!!

Look out soon! I meant real soon... 7 with black out rims!! kekekekek
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

rodders said:
I've also seen a fully kitted black 7ser many times parked outside Hot Spa Roxy Square .

MW borrowed my 7 last week.. and CB kia told me he is borrowing for a wedding.. NBzz..
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

Hymics said:
i hv 760 Black out Grill and with black out headlamps and tail lights.. black out window trims too! hahahah.. Orhh Lu Lu!!

i like... drool... :)
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i


PML have finally received the ACS bodykit for my E65 730i face-lifted....but the prices and their price structure are ridiculous.

For every part installed, there is a seperate labour charge (on average $500). I find it very strange that I need to pay for the labour charges of front spoiler and then pay another set of labour charges on the side skirts.... and again on the rear under spoiler....then rims etc.

Could some experts kindly shed some light on this or suggest where else I can take my car to be fitted with the same parts.

p.s. I didnt want to start another thread so I chose this one as it is sorta in the same family.

thanks for your help.
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

abajaj said:
For every part installed, there is a seperate labour charge (on average $500). I find it very strange that I need to pay for the labour charges of front spoiler and then pay another set of labour charges on the side skirts.... and again on the rear under spoiler....then rims etc.


Aman, I was charged $2600 10mths ago by PML for labour to install full AC kit on my E65.. Total 7 items :

1. Sports rear silencer
2. Frt AC Spoiler
3. AC Side Skirt
4. Rear Bumber AC spoiler
5. Bootlid
6. Roof spoiler
7. Chrone line set

I wanted to save trouble by not shifting the parts ard cos they are pretty bulky... dun want to scratch the newly sprayed paint on the parts... so decided to let PML do it. I oso want to make sure that in time when there is problem in the installation, i can go and FRY PML's Nuts...

Install ur rims outside.. any workshop can do it and at a very minimal cost.
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

they charge $8.50 for pasting an ac sticker! like hymics, i installed my kit outside, labour cheaper by more than 1/2, not fogetting you'll also save more on spraying of parts. Oh, btw mine is a humble 5ser. most of our listed workshop does installation plus spraying but of course they'll sub-out certain job. u can try tropical success at amk pk 3, look for kenny @ 9667 4703. cheers!
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

Hymics said:
Aman, I was charged $2600 10mths ago by PML for labour to install full AC kit on my E65.. Total 7 items :

1. Sports rear silencer
2. Frt AC Spoiler
3. AC Side Skirt
4. Rear Bumber AC spoiler
5. Bootlid
6. Roof spoiler
7. Chrone line set

I wanted to save trouble by not shifting the parts ard cos they are pretty bulky... dun want to scratch the newly sprayed paint on the parts... so decided to let PML do it. I oso want to make sure that in time when there is problem in the installation, i can go and FRY PML's Nuts...

Install ur rims outside.. any workshop can do it and at a very minimal cost.

Thanks for the info Hymics, know I have a guideline of the prices......much appreciated.
No where else is holding the kit for my model according to my research.... So I don't have much of a choice. I still plan on squeezing PML a little.

Know of any workshops to that hold ACS 20" Type II rims?
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

abajaj said:
Thanks for the info Hymics, know I have a guideline of the prices......much appreciated.
No where else is holding the kit for my model according to my research.... So I don't have much of a choice. I still plan on squeezing PML a little.

Know of any workshops to that hold ACS 20" Type II rims?

do ensure that they apply enough glue to the Roof spoiler.... My roof spoiler flew off when was crusing along the highway months back... i check the spoiler and obviously not enough applied.. Freaking Dangerous!! I went back and fried their nuts with soya sauce and samba chilli.. knn.

Nice choice on the ACS type II 20"!! Looks awesome on 7er... i remember TripleM once encourage me to get those but eventually i settled for Breyton spirit. I dun noe of any workshop carrying Type II now. Not easily available.... i guess must wait for someone to let go. Good luck!!
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

Hymics said:
ACS type II 20"!!

see bay chio man... i love the ACS type II very long ago... followed by the Hamann HM2...

someone was selling his 19"... but 20" will be best for your 7er... drool man...
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

martmode8850 said:
see bay chio man... i love the ACS type II very long ago... followed by the Hamann HM2...

someone was selling his 19"... but 20" will be best for your 7er... drool man...

If i m abajaj, i will heong heong go for the 22"... lagi chio..!! AC boy is selling his 19".... 20'' - 22" not easy to come by nowaday.. din manage to catch any on the road so far.
Re: AC Schnitzer 735i

Hymics said:
do ensure that they apply enough glue to the Roof spoiler.... My roof spoiler flew off when was crusing along the highway months back... i check the spoiler and obviously not enough applied.. Freaking Dangerous!! I went back and fried their nuts with soya sauce and samba chilli.. knn.

Nice choice on the ACS type II 20"!! Looks awesome on 7er... i remember TripleM once encourage me to get those but eventually i settled for Breyton spirit. I dun noe of any workshop carrying Type II now. Not easily available.... i guess must wait for someone to let go. Good luck!!

If my spoiler fell off like that, I would fry their nuts with much more then Sambal man....I'm thinking law suit man!

I plan to go with a simple kit.. Front, rear under, side skirts, ehaust and chromeline on the side skirts.

As for the rims...I really want the type II 20" or 21" if anyone who is listening and knows where I can score this...please help.

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