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318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded


New Member
Hi All,

I am planning to sell my Aug 2000 318Ci, anyone keen or i will break it up and sell.

Cos going to export

Steel grey and Red interior

Fully done up

M aero2 kit with splitters
M3 Dials and Meter
M3 paddle shift Steering wheel
18 inch 3 piece rims
Pilot sports tryes
SMG gear shift
Hamman pedals and foot rest
Gruppe M air intake
Hamman Struct Bar Front
UUC anti roll sways
Pully system
New COmp chip
Superprint exhaust
M3 titanium panels
xenon lights
M3 side mirror
M3 rear view mirror
M3 spoiler
KW varaent 3 coil over

Paper vaule is at 70,000 now.

Offered by a dealer for the body at 32,000

Done too much to let it go like that. Hoping that some one will appreciate the car and carry it on the journey.

No need to do anything it is fully done up.

Feel free to sms me...... 96696966.

I am out of town till Sunday. Gots lots of offer for my parts but would love to sell it as a whole to an enthuaist.

Reasonable offer only...it should be above what i am getting.

Thanks for your interest.

I am staying in the west so view is possible anywhere. West would be better.
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

I believe he is the one who badged 323Ci one....

And of cos, before any member buys anything from someone who markets his things in this forum, please check and CHECK the seller's background if possible because there are CON MEN everywhere..not saying its this thread starter...BUT u never know who these assh*oles are.. CHECK all the items being sold to see if they work and BELONG to him and not from some scrapyard OR taken from some shop unpaid for and then saying he is some GOVERNMENTAL or LAW ENFORCEMENT high ranking SCHOLAR officer....

my $2.00 worth...
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

MW said:
I believe he is the one who badged 323Ci one....

And of cos, before any member buys anything from someone who markets his things in this forum, please check and CHECK the seller's background if possible because there are CON MEN everywhere..not saying its this thread starter...BUT u never know who these assh*oles are.. CHECK all the items being sold to see if they work and BELONG to him and not from some scrapyard OR taken from some shop unpaid for and then saying he is some GOVERNMENTAL or LAW ENFORCEMENT high ranking SCHOLAR officer....

my $2.00 worth...
Its not abt your $2 worth, quite a few of our members have been snooked, its a healthy precaution you're giving to all.

1 thing you forgot to check, see got hang npcc uniform hang in car or not...
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

yes, tats also true..potential buyers should see whether got one NPCC uniform with an ASP rank hanged in the car...he is FAMOUS everywhere
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

rex7_vtec said:
I'm thinking of buying some stuff off him... Is there something about this person I should know about? Kinda feel weird seeing you lads posting about being wary of dodgy sellers in this thread...

Just saw this car 2days ago at Raffles Place....looks good front the outside.
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

I heard the M3 dials are just stickers.. so any buyers who are considering buying any M3 meters or dials make sure ITS WORKING and NOT stickers... check with any M3 owners to see what a REAL M3 is like before being CONNED into buying any supposed REAL M3 stuff from any CON MEN..not that I am saying Driver is a conman...he must be a nice guy I reckon
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

MW said:
I heard the M3 dials are just stickers.. so any buyers who are considering buying any M3 meters or dials make sure ITS WORKING and NOT stickers... check with any M3 owners to see what a REAL M3 is like before being CONNED into buying any supposed REAL M3 stuff from any CON MEN..not that I am saying Driver is a conman...he must be a nice guy I reckon

Like this :bullshit: also can, then you better PM that CON MAN photo in High-Res mode to me and let me have a very very careful look... :whatthe:
Just in case I see him from far and I'll run away immediately.... :eek:
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

MW said:
I heard the M3 dials are just stickers.. so any buyers who are considering buying any M3 meters or dials make sure ITS WORKING and NOT stickers... check with any M3 owners to see what a REAL M3 is like before being CONNED into buying any supposed REAL M3 stuff from any CON MEN..not that I am saying Driver is a conman...he must be a nice guy I reckon

I hate conmen.. shld bring into Sir Bling Bling Winston lift and all of us pee at him.. swee swee.. WHEN????

Scrapyard?? Sungei Kadut got many.... can find lowering spring for my ride boh??
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

calvin said:
You sound like one guy I know! We stay next to it rite ???

Bro... why dont you cfm by shouting out his name.. NBzzzz SeeKalee wrong person than lau ka kui kor....
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

Hymics said:
I hate conmen.. shld bring into Sir Bling Bling Winston lift and all of us pee at him.. swee swee.. WHEN????

Scrapyard?? Sungei Kadut got many.... can find lowering spring for my ride boh??
gantong & spring I don't know but confirm one can buy exhaust from there, tell ppl its from Australia, brand new, used for less than 1 wk & sell back to our members at original 2nd hand brother-to-brother price & swee swee can order on Sat night & can get it on Sun afternoon - direct airfreight from Australia.
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

driver said:
Hi All,

I am planning to sell my Aug 2000 318Ci, anyone keen or i will break it up and sell.

Cos going to export

Steel grey and Red interior

Fully done up

M aero2 kit with splitters
M3 Dials and Meter
M3 paddle shift Steering wheel
18 inch 3 piece rims
Pilot sports tryes
SMG gear shift
Hamman pedals and foot rest
Gruppe M air intake
Hamman Struct Bar Front
UUC anti roll sways
Pully system
New COmp chip
Superprint exhaust
M3 titanium panels
xenon lights
M3 side mirror
M3 rear view mirror
M3 spoiler
KW varaent 3 coil over

Paper vaule is at 70,000 now.

Offered by a dealer for the body at 32,000

Done too much to let it go like that. Hoping that some one will appreciate the car and carry it on the journey.

No need to do anything it is fully done up.

Feel free to sms me...... 96696966.

I am out of town till Sunday. Gots lots of offer for my parts but would love to sell it as a whole to an enthuaist.

Reasonable offer only...it should be above what i am getting.

Thanks for your interest.

I am staying in the west so view is possible anywhere. West would be better.
Pls give more details like number of transfers, mileage, your asking price, what 3 piece rims u have, is it Hamann, ACS ???

You say your paper value is $70k and dealer offered u $32k for the body..meaning u can get $102k? Sorry I am ignorant of how to calculate.

And of coz... are u from NPCC?
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

GetzMan said:
Pls give more details like number of transfers, mileage, your asking price, what 3 piece rims u have, is it Hamann, ACS ???

You say your paper value is $70k and dealer offered u $32k for the body..meaning u can get $102k? Sorry I am ignorant of how to calculate.

And of coz... are u from NPCC?

It's Schmidt rims..staggered set up..
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

just my 2 cts

32K for Aug 00 318Ci is very high u should scrap the car. Exporter is selling a 328Ci 07/00 mileage 74k at 29k which means that they would have only offered the owner abt 20k, so 32K for 318Ci is very gd.
with the 3 to 5% deduction for the paper u should get a decent price abt 99k, also u should sell the parts seperately, as they have no value to the exporter.

Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

I been noseying around about export car prices and I agree with diablo_728 that 32k for your car body is very high. Considering it's 5 years old and a 318. Albeit Ci.

Please post the name and contact of your exporter so the forum members can extend their business to him.
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

hey guys...what are you all talking abt? esp MW! i'm confused leh....

anyway bro(driver), your car quite done up huh! but i think you sala abt your 32k export value! ninbei dec02 valvetronic also no 32k leh!!!

eh bro....whats with the sticker lah, australia scrapyard exhaust lah, 323i batch lah..... bro...macam low class leh...even i think quite shameless lah...
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

hey guys...what are you all talking abt? esp MW! i'm confused leh....

anyway bro(driver), your car quite done up huh! but i think you sala abt your 32k export value! ninbei dec02 valvetronic also no 32k leh!!!

eh bro....whats with the sticker lah, australia scrapyard exhaust lah, 323i batch lah..... bro...macam low class leh...even i think quite shameless lah...

U shameless lah... u 4 door lei... ppl got coupe how u fight? :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

AC Boy said:
gantong & spring I don't know but confirm one can buy exhaust from there, tell ppl its from Australia, brand new, used for less than 1 wk & sell back to our members at original 2nd hand brother-to-brother price & swee swee can order on Sat night & can get it on Sun afternoon - direct airfreight from Australia.

Hmm.......This story sounds very familiar to me. Have I encountered something like this before??
Anyway $32k does sound very very high for the body. Could be the exporter is buying the car at a brother to brother price? My good friend just exported out his 2000 pre FL 320 sedan with a mileage of only 70k for only $15k. Even then he felt it was a good price. Guess you're better off exporting your car via this guy then.
Re: 318Ci for sale M3 Fully modded

Hymics said:
Bro... why dont you cfm by shouting out his name.. NBzzzz SeeKalee wrong person than lau ka kui kor....

No horse run ones bro ! :lol2: