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318 Sports Edition


Noticed that there is a couple of this on sale on sgcar mart and have been lying there for a while. There are a few that advertised as well are sold almost immediately. Have anybody inspect those available and any problem with them. Kindly advice as I am tempting to get one and the asking price is $109,000. Any comments?
Re: 318 Sports Edition

i was wondering this too but was tempted by the new offer from pml of S$135 + 3 years package.
Re: 318 Sports Edition


i was with a friend to view those car by the same dealer and most of it are courtesy car fr PML which they bought in bulk.

they didnt allow test drive ...:ehhh: unless u had agree wit them on pricing and wld purchase if the car is fine aft the test drive.

well, aft u had negotiate & agreed on the price, u might wanna send it for evaluation for any serious repair done on the car before .
Re: 318 Sports Edition

i almost bought from them last month.....the white one with the no. plate 168X. Wanted to nego till $105k but the lowest l could get was $107k. They were very hard on the pricing....think u can try $105kthis month...guess if they dun sell soon..they will start losing..:)
Re: 318 Sports Edition

btw, l got a fren who's working in the 2nd hand car industry...he told me these r all courtesy cars...& kena LUT big time by them(Ah bengs)!! So on paper it's just 1 owner....but......

All these r just hear say hear say only......end of the day, it's up to u to believe or not...
Re: 318 Sports Edition

Yes the cars are from PML straight. If you guys wanna buy, maybe i can recommend a sales rep (fren) in that particular company. Hopefully can get you guys a better price.

Pm me if you are interested.

Re: 318 Sports Edition

thanks for all your reply. By the way, if you mean courtesy car, does that mean that it is for loan to owners whom their car is on the workshop? If that is the case, I would not even consider as it is driven with multiple drivers and as you mention: LUT by all the Bengs.
Re: 318 Sports Edition

haha... same here.. i also almost wan to get that white 318 wif no plate 168.. thy quote me 107,000 also... but then in the end i get e90 from pml.. why not throw in another 30,000 for a brand new 320i...
Re: 318 Sports Edition

adsnx said:

i was with a friend to view those car by the same dealer and most of it are courtesy car fr PML which they bought in bulk.

they didnt allow test drive ...:ehhh: unless u had agree wit them on pricing and wld purchase if the car is fine aft the test drive.

well, aft u had negotiate & agreed on the price, u might wanna send it for evaluation for any serious repair done on the car before .

Who sells a car and does not allow a test drive?!?!
Re: 318 Sports Edition

hey guys.. i've seen a lot of speculations on the above mentioned cars... i think i would like to clarify on these. first, these cars are not loaned out(courtesy cars), so u can rest assured on the condition. second, u are always invited to test drive. i think one of the bro mentioned that they cant test drive, i think it's a misconception. i believe the sales consultants are doing their job to rule out the people who just wanna 'try try'. as for if the car is worth it or not, it's really up to individual. no doubt it's an older model as compared to the new e90. however, a few pointers u might wanna look into. first, the omv of these 318 is higher, abt 40k plus. second, the coes are relative high too. third, if u guys noticed, these cars came fully fitted with the original m3 kit, m3 steering, m3 rims. the roof of the interior is also black too!! (which is rare). comparing the 2 models, the e90 no doubt is the lastest facelift, however i believe some of us still prefer the older model due to it's sportier shape.
Re: 318 Sports Edition

Thanks and I understand your concern. However. have anyone experience that when you have a car to sell to a dealer, they will not take into consideration the amount of accessories you have done to your car example, you tell them you have a full body kit, solid entertainment system, expensive sports rim etc, they will just calculated based on the normal depreciation and worst still, the dealer tells you that you can dismantle all this parts and he is not interested. If not, I don't think some of the guys here take the hazzle to advertise parts for sale in this forum. They would prefer to sell the car including all accessories.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Re: 318 Sports Edition

i agreed with you totally henry, the additional accessories are not worth any much higher when u want to sell your car. but u definitely dont have to spend too much $ to do up the car. Let's be frank, i think most of us would not mind spending a bit more for stuff with more accessories regardless whether it's a car, hp, laptop, etc etc. i think the most attractive part is the omv of 40k plus... that's the omv of a 320ia, correct me if i'm wrong.. end of the day bro, the choice is really yours... i'm just sharing my point of view.
Re: 318 Sports Edition

Also note that the last batch of 318i Sports Edition had all the accessories (sports seats, M3 steering wheel, M68-styling rims, M-tech II bodykit etc) factory fitted. Hence the higher OMV. There is a slight premium for this last batch, not totally fair to compare to the previous 318i Exclusive edition.
Re: 318 Sports Edition

newam said:
Hi guys, i just brought the 168x a week ago. No complain so far.

Yup bro, care to share the purchasing price?
Re: 318 Sports Edition

heh compared to the new 320i, i think the 318 sports edition is a really good package. same engine etc.. and a LOT more kit.
Re: 318 Sports Edition

mistraele said:
heh compared to the new 320i, i think the 318 sports edition is a really good package. same engine etc.. and a LOT more kit.
Not forgetting a whole lot less problems.....hahahaha

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