Search results

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    WTS: Breyton Race GTS 19"

    Re: WTS: Breyton Race GTS 19" can fit e46 coupe ?
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    Re : E46 Cabrio Dekitting 0n 01 April 2012

    Re: Re : E46 Cabrio Dekitting 0n 01 April 2012 whats still available ?
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    WTB- 630i and 730i/730iL

    Re: WTB- 630i and 730i/730iL U still looking ? got buddy letting go ..... PM me if interested :)
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    Re: Wts:630ci willing to trade for stock rims ? top up ?
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    E36 320i(a) Coupe on SGcarmart

    Re: E36 320i(a) Coupe on SGcarmart i'm looking to buy the car... any comments ? or things to note? any repairs required ?
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    MWTS E36 '93 coupe - completely souped up

    Re: MWTS E36 '93 coupe - completely souped up i like ur ride.... but will consider if price lower :)
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    FS: E36 318is (M)

    Re: FS: E36 318is (M) sms u already.... no reply leh.... u still selling or not? pls pm me ur selling price + coe details :) Thanks pal
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    2002 BMW 316ti / compact can buy or not ?

    Re: 2002 BMW 316ti / compact can buy or not ? Thanks for all the input. :) i like the car but seems a bit steep thou..... still seriously thinking about it So how the performance of the car ? Anything to look out for ? Potential problems ? Tks fellas
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    2002 BMW 316ti / compact can buy or not ?

    Looking at the yr 2002 316ti aka 316compact Its pretty rare but why so ? not a good model ? Is it worth to buy ? are the parts common with other e46 ? :confused: Any current/past owners' reviews ?