Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?
Hey everyone,
I got my nickname since I was a baby and I learned that my parent call me until now. If you wolud like to know the meaning, there is nothing to explain. Sorry if I have disappointed you all.
Re: Blur E60 head light .
Hi, here what you have to do it.
1 - You need water-proof abrasive paper #400 or #800 and a bucket of water.
2 - Dip abrasive paper into the water and start rubbing circular motion to both the headlight covers.
[Note: Please do not work only on one headlight...
Re: Phoko, how did you choose / get your nickname?
8) Hi Ryan,
My nickname was given to me by my family. At home everybody calls me KoKo and as the time shift, I become "Phoko". I hope this explanation of mine will satisfy you but anyway I thank you guys to be part of your BMW Family...
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