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  1. M

    E60 aircon not cold

    Re: E60 aircon not cold What normally happen is the valve get clogged and become abnormal. Flushing may work may not depends how bad the clog
  2. M

    air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon

    Re: air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon That is a common problem that some may not aware. To change the valve normally need to take the compressor out and vacuming. Work is almost the same as changing compressor. For workshop is not so profitable as the part cost is low. To get better...
  3. M

    air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon

    Re: air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon
  4. M

    air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon

    Re: air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon no 2
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    air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon

    Re: air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon When ac still a little cold and often blow warm air, those are symptom of failing Refrigerant Control Valve or normally called preassure valve here.
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    E60 aircon not cold

    Re: E60 aircon not cold Most likely comp pressure/relief valve. Bring it to Tomika @ Ubi. They should be able to solve it for around $280
  7. M

    E60 aircon not cold

    Re: E60 aircon not cold Does your ac still a little cold and warm air comes out when start?
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    Jerked when changing from gear 2 to 3. Need advice

    Re: Jerked when changing from gear 2 to 3. Need advice Could be the solenoid failing. The easiest just flush off the sumps and change tranny oil
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    E60 aircon not cold

    Re: E60 aircon not cold
  10. M

    E60 aircon not cold

    Re: E60 aircon not cold Should check the gas and preassure. If takes long to cool and preassure low possibly the pressure/relief valve $50. Compressor should cost around $700
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    air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon

    Re: air con not cold on hot sunny afternoon Could be the compressor preasure valve
  12. M

    E90 Car door lock problem

    Re: E90 Car door lock problem or simply low quality, high price?
  13. M

    How did you choose / get your nickname?

    Re: mt88, how did you choose / get your nickname? Just initials, nothing significant. Hello..