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  1. F

    Solar Films tinting! Great Service, Good Price!!!

    Re: Solar Films tinting! Great Service, Good Price!!! Hi SHerman, I have a question with regards to the quality of solar film. I read about the various types of solar film and was advised not to use those dye film. Better films such as ceramic or sputtering metalizing type are ok but I got...
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    WTS: E60 18" Style 135 Wheels

    Re: WTS: E60 18" Style 135 Wheels Wheels SOLD. Thank you for viewing.
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    WTS: E60 18" Style 135 Wheels

    Fellow E60 owners. I have been keeping a set of Style135 18" wheels at home for a while now. Since I have long sold the E60, Anyone who might be keen to inherit this set of wheels for a gesture token of S$100? Please SMS me at 9695 7870 if you are keen. Thanks. There are some curb rashes on...
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    F10 523 Highline or not?

    Re: F10 523 Highline or not? Does the sports automatic transmission + sports steering wheel (with paddles) need to be an indent/factory order? Can this be an add-on after car is delivered?
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    HUD - does your BMW come with it?

    Re: HUD - does your BMW come with it? Hi there, OT again...haha. good to hear from you. I have somewhat distracted to the Audi camp. Just came back from NS run a coupld of weeks ago on the Audi, good drive, composed and steady at 260kph. My 525 cant get up to that speed. When you guys...
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    HUD - does your BMW come with it?

    Re: HUD - does your BMW come with it? I am still keeping my 525 with HUD and loved it so much that I wish every car comes with one. I also wish it has more display features such as the gear ratio you are on when driving with manual select. I was thinking of selling the car (3 years) since I...
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Re: 335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch According to the leaked article, it is supposed to be a toned down DCT, whatever that means. Interestingly, pardon my ignorance, isnt dual clutch supposed to offer instant gear change with no lag at all? So even if it is a toned down version of the...
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Re: 335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch Ha, you scare me already. Maybe if BMW really locked the ECU, it can potentially save alot of people lots of money from mod. haha. It's a poisonous terriroty.
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Re: 335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch What a bummer. Damn, hope this is not the case but surely can understand where BMW is coming from. Anyway even so, I am sure someone somewhere eventually will figure how to reverse it without setting off anything. Keep fingers crossed. By the way...
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Re: 335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch Hi, can the current 335 be modded?
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Re: 335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch Hi there my friend. Didnt realize it was that long ago, haha. been MIA for a long time. Looks like you guys are way beyond BMW already. Was just saying amongst the earlier batch of members, i am probably the only one left driving a BMW. haha. It appears...
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Re: 335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch HELLOOOOO Axl. Yes, it has been a LOOOONG long time. Just met up with LC and we were talking about you. Was saying we should get together soon. You still turn up for the GTG?
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Re: 335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch Got this image from E90Post. Getting more excited seeing it on pic. I think it will be slotted for Sep production onwards. Called PML but all the SE know nothing..anyone hear anything? my cheque book ready...haha
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Re: 335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch HI, that's why I am in such a dilema. I cant wait for the DSG in a relatively high performance car, and the 2 models are both appealing. Based on the news, it seems that 335 will be ahead of the S5 on the gear, and also lighter on running cost. But S5 is...
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    335 coupe/cab getting Double Clutch

    Saw in a press release from BMW via e90 post. Finally, the wait is complete...335 with twin clutch gear known as Sports Automatic gear with launch control somemore...time to head to showroom...haha
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    New BMW Spare Parts

    Anyone seen this Ad before? Wonder if it was a spoof but good message.
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    E90's new gear selector?

    Does anyone know if BMW is updating the gear knob on the 3 series as seen in current 5ers and 6ers? Any news or timing on that? It only make sense for BMW to change the gear selectors to the new version but I wonder why there is no news on that for the 3 series. Care to shed lights?
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    Repainting the BMW

    Re: Repainting the BMW In my opinion, changing color may not be a good idea as most of your car will be stripped and that can be a painful experience if the reinstallation is not done well. Also, respray may not get you the perfect and even coat if the painter is not highly skilled...
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    Night Drive.

    Re: Night Drive. New Updated List. 1. shaaz 2. totoseow (no fridays pls) 3. adsnx-adrian 4. hungrym3 (not CNY weekend) 5. Hymics ("If u chance upon fast moving 7 doing about 180-200! Dun panic ! Thats me!!!") 6. AC boy (If you cant see my number plate, that is me too...swee swee) 7...
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    E60 525 Best Deal?

    Quick question. Anyone sealed the best deal on the latest 525 lately? Current List price is $218k. Best price offered is $213k (or about 2% discount) plus another $2 to 3k on financing rebate. Personally, I think they can do alot better than that. If anyone managed to clinch a better price...