Search results

  1. arkaneslayer

    [you], If you could own the top BMW model now...which one and why?

    Re: [you], If you could own the top BMW model now...which one and why? 850 - simply the coolest looking BMW ever
  2. arkaneslayer

    What BMW do you drive NOW?

    Re: [you], what BMW do you drive NOW? i drive a volvo s40t4 :P
  3. arkaneslayer

    How did you choose / get your nickname?

    Re: arkaneslayer, how did you choose / get your nickname? wah i missed this thread so long liao ... arkaneslayer is the name of my Paladin character in Diablo II.
  4. arkaneslayer

    Hi Kerr from Guitar77 here!

    Re: Hi Kerr from Guitar77 here! isn't that "Dave's Guitars"?
  5. arkaneslayer

    Sport Mode

    Re: Sport Mode sports mode = waste more petrol?
  6. arkaneslayer

    TODAY forum - HID headlights a road hazard

    Re: TODAY forum - HID headlights a road hazard i think the TP should spend more time cracking down on this than speeding ...
  7. arkaneslayer

    BMW or Subaru

    my take - scooby lah ....
  8. arkaneslayer

    Engine Cut Off While Driving

    Re: Engine Cut Off While Driving wat car are u driving?
  9. arkaneslayer

    advice needed.

    why leh?
  10. arkaneslayer

    Tyre Rotation

    Re: Tyre Rotation they will balance the back wheels and put them in front for FWD ... i presume for RWD, they will balance the front wheels ...
  11. arkaneslayer

    BMW Coolant Temperature fixed at 126deg C, is it true?

    the manual needs to cater to the lowest common denominator ... :) :) :)