Speed Haus
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  • Hi there I'm looking for injen air intake for bmw f23 220i 2015 may i know the downtime for ordering/installing and total price?
    Speed Haus
    Speed Haus
    Hi, should have attended to you ya?:)
    Hi there, am looking to get a 2010/11 535i.
    Read abt the JB4 and air intake.
    Do these items fit the car and how much would they cost installed?
    Pls advs also on the torque and Hp that can be achieved on a stock car with the air filter mod and exh op; can JB4 adapt to enhanced flow and improve output accordingly?
    "Plug and Play installation that fits perfectly to your air-con vent. Real time measurement and feedback of your car's critical parameters, to ensure your car's health. Great plug and play design with the digital readings that fits perfectly and visually appealing to the eye."

    Boss got picture? Price for 118, E87?
    Speed Haus
    Speed Haus
    hi artease. just to confirm, which year of production is yours?
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