BMW named second ‘Most Desired Brand’ for Men in America

Forbes Magazine reports that after a popular toothpaste from Procter & Gamble, the second most desirable brand for men is BMW brand its vehicles because of the superiority that it provides.

Forbes says “the study looked at men and women’s relationships with many of the nation’s biggest brands. By examining the strength and types of those relationships on both a conscious and nonconscious level, using the tools of neuromarketing, which has been around since the 1990s, Buyology [strategic neuromarketing firm] found that men and women are drawn to different kinds of brands, and for different reasons.”

Top 20 Most Desired Brands in the World: Men

1. Crest
2. BMW
3. National Geographic
4. Panasonic
5. Hyundai
6. Kleenex
7. Coca-Cola
8. Microsoft
9. Tide
10. Lexus
11. Apple
12. Bed Bath & Beyond
13. Ford
14. Animal Planet
15. Hitachi
16. Mercedes-Benz
17. FedEx
18. Procter & Gamble
19. Hallmark
20. Geico

Source: Forbes & Walletpop

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